Linggo, Marso 2, 2014

Death Of Christ

God gave His son and He will also give us many other blessings. Romans 8:32 - He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? There are some fairly lengthy studies on the results of His death in the area of redemption, propitiation etc. to be found in Ryrie’s theology p 286-297 and in The Teachers manual for the Ten Steps series by Campus Crusade. Walvoord has a lengthy section on the death as well. PP. 153-190 Walvoord has a paragraph that I would like to share.

“In the study of Christ in His sufferings and death, one is in a holy of holies, a mercy seat sprinkled with blood, to which only the Spirit-taught mind has access. In His death Christ supremely revealed the holiness and righteousness of God as well as the love of God which prompted the sacrifice. In a similar way the infinite wisdom of god is revealed as no human mind would ever have devised such a way of salvation, and only an infinite God would be willing to sacrifice His Son.”

I would like to close with some devotional thoughts from Spurgeon. In commenting on Matthew 27:14 where it states, “He answered him to never a word.” he mentions: “He had never been slow of speech when He could bless the sons of men, but He would not say a single word for Himself. ‘Never man spake like this Man,’ and never man was silent like Him. Was this singular silence the index of His perfect self-sacrifice? Did it show that He would not utter a word to stay the slaughter of His sacred person, which He had dedicated as an offering for us? Had He so entirely surrendered Himself that He would not interfere in His own behalf, even in the minutest degree, but be bound and slain an un-struggling, uncomplaining victim? Was this silence a type of the defenselessness of sin? Nothing can be said in palliation [“to cover by excuse or apologies” Webster] or excuse of human guilt; and, therefore, He who bore its whole weight stood speechless before His judge.”

He goes on to say, “Evidently our Lord, by His silence, furnished a remarkable fulfillment of prophecy. A long defense of Himself would have been contrary to Isaiah’s prediction. ‘He is led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He openeth not His mouth.’ By His quiet He conclusively proved Himself to be the true Lamb of God.”


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